About Complete Birth

Complete Birth is facilitated by Nicole Greig a current practising registered midwife. Her aim is to provide pregnant women with information, education, guidance and support in important areas of pregnancy, labour, birth, breastfeeding and early parenting.

In the course of her extensive career working with pregnant women Nicole has provided essential physical and emotional midwifery support to pregnant women and their partners. Nicole is experienced in all aspects of care including pregnancy, labour, birth, breastfeeding and parenting. She is particularly passionate about natural/active birth and has supported many women who choose this option.

As a result, the Complete Birth – Early Parenting, Breastfeeding, Labour and Birth course was designed as a comprehensive antenatal program that combines traditional childbirth education techniques facilitated by Registered Midwives.

Complete Birth also offers Calmbirth® classes as part of their practice. Nicole facilitates our Calmbirth® classes. She has been privileged to share labour and birth experiences with many women who have embraced labour and achieved an amazing birth with confidence due to information and education learnt through the Calmbirth® class. These classes differ to the Early Parenting, Breastfeeding, Labour and Birth classes in that they offer intensive teaching about breathing strategies during labour, and the inner resources women possess to effectively birth in a calm, confident and positive manner.

> Our Philosophy

Complete Birth believes your journey through pregnancy, birth and becoming a parent can be a positive, rewarding and memorable experience.

We promote safe and satisfying women-centered birth experiences and encourage natural labour and birth for normal healthy pregnant women.

We aim to equip expectant mums and dads with the knowledge and practical skills to feel confident about labour, birth and becoming a parent.

With guidance, education and support, women and their partners can feel empowered and positive whatever journey their pregnancy and birth takes.