Early Parenting, Breastfeeding and Labour and Birth

Class outline

Our antenatal classes cover all aspects of your early parenting journey, breastfeeding and labour and birth. The labour and birth segment has a strong focus on active normal birth, however we certainly cover topics such as pain relief options, instrumental births and caesarian sections. Our class sizes are small which allows opportunity for you to ask as many questions as you like. The classes are taught by experienced midwives who are currently practising within the hospital system.

Topics covered in our Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting Antenatal classes include:


  • How to maintain a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby
  • Pelvic Floor Muscles
  • Diet & Exercise and the importance of maintaining a healthy weight range in pregnancy

Labour and Birth

  • Expectations of labour and birth
  • How your partner can support you in labour
  • Positions in labour
  • Physiology and process of normal labour and birth
  • Challenges of when things don’t go to plan
  • Medical intervention
  • Natural and Medical pain relief
  • Types of births – caesarean, vacuum and forceps delivery
  • How you view pain in childbirth and how to decrease fear and anxiety around labour and birth


  • Practicalities of parenting
  • How to hold a baby
  • Baby routines in the first few weeks of parenting
  • Sleep and Settling.
  • The importance of your role as a parent
  • How your psychological and emotional wellbeing impacts on your pregnancy, birth, becoming a parent
  • Normal emotional changes in pregnancy
  • Postnatal Depression
  • Relationships with your partner


  • Research around breastfeeding
  • Benefits for mum and baby
  • Practical tips on how to breastfeed
  • Troubleshooting some common challenges

How much does it cost?

The cost of the Early Parenting, Breastfeeding and Labour and Birth Antenatal class is $290.00 per couple and is inclusive of GST.

Note: Most Health Funds offer a rebate for these classes although it will depend on the type of cover you have. You will need to contact your Health Fund directly to determine the level of rebate available to you. If you have a Health Fund that we are not with please let us know so we can become a provider.

What is included?

– All relevant class materials.
– Morning tea including tea and coffee.

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Our Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting Antenatal classes are intensive 1 day classes and are held on either a Saturday or a Sunday.
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