Our Classes – what do we teach?

At Complete Birth we offer two different types of childbirth education classes:

  • Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting Antenatal classes
  • Calmbirth® classes

Both classes are taught and co-ordinated by an experienced Registered Midwife.

Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting classes

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Our Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting Antenatal classes cover all aspects of your pregnancy, labour, birth and early parenting journey. These classes are unique as they are taught by experienced midwives, childbirth educators and a lactation consultant. At some classes we may invite along guest speakers who are all experts in their relevant fields. The guest speakers may include a Registered Nurse (Whispers Cottage), Reflexologist (Reflex 2 Health), Clinical Psychologist (Nicole Ritchard) and a Massage Therapist (Baby Bump Massage).
Class cost is $290.00 inc. GST.

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antenatal classes woman and child

Calmbirth® is an effective childbirth education program founded by Australian Midwife Peter Jackson. Calmbirth® acknowledges the amazing ability of a mother’s body to work as one with her unborn child to give birth. Calmbirth® empowers the mother and her partner to experience birth with wonder and joy. Imagine experiencing labour and birth fearlessly, calmly and with confidence. Calmbirth® teaches pregnant women and their partners the necessary skills to accomplish such an

experience. Surrendering to the process of labour and birth no matter how it unfolds is achievable with the Calmbirth® class. Couples can use the skills learnt in the Calmbirth® classes to meet any challenge they encounter calmly and without fear. Class cost is $550.00 inc. GST.

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Who should attend these classes?

All pregnant women between 24–36 weeks pregnancy who want to educate and empower themselves about all aspects of pregnancy, labour, birth and early parenting.